Welcome Center

Welcome Center

Welcome Center serves as a point of contact for foreign guests of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and carries out various tasks related to this issue. The scope of responsibilities of Welcome Center includes providing information to foreign guests of the University such as Visiting professors, students, and doctoral candidates, about the rules and organization of the University, the course of studies, social and caring issues, as well as formal matters related to their stay, transportation, safety and medical care.

The Center assists Visiting Professors in finding accommodation in Wrocław. It provides information about the organization of studies for foreign students such as how to register for a seminar or how to get to some buildings at the WUEB campus. The Center collects and provides information about events organized for students in the city and region, inter-faculty and extra-faculty events. In addition, the center organizes meetings and events for students and foreign teaching staff, including educational and community-building events, such as the Asian Culture Day as well as occasional events organized as part of initiative of the WUEB.

The Center also collaborates with the Student Council, student organizations, including the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) in preparing and organizing various activities for foreign students and employees visiting the WUEB. 

Get more information

We provide information regarding:

  • the organization and structure of the University (study regulations, educational platforms, contacts, etc.)
  • accommodation in our dormitories (“Przegubowiec” and “Ślężak”)
  • student organizations and scientific clubs
  • current events taking place at the University
  • life in Poland (obtaining a PESEL number, visas, emergency numbers, urban transportation, medical care, etc.)
  • and many others.

We organize:

  • debates for students (entitled International Debate of the WUEB Students)
  • individual and group campus tours
  • support in getting acquainted with platforms (MS Teams, USOS, university email, etc.)
  • integration events for international students

Welcome Guidebook for international students

We are pleased to inform you about the “Welcome Guidebook for International Students”, a compendium of essential information about life on our campus. In the “Welcome Guidebook,” you will find everything you need to successfully begin your adventure at our University. In the Guide, you will discover key data about our institution, our mission, and vision, as well as have access to key contacts, information about the dean’s office, or instruction how to borrow books from the library… And all of this gathered in one place!


Julia Majewska

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: +48 71 36 80 601

Building A, room 13a


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