On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the Polish-Czech-Slovak Day took place at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. We invite you to read the report from this event.
The Polish-Czech-Slovak Day provided an opportunity to showcase the experiences resulting from the cooperation between the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and Czech and Slovak universities, as well as to identify the directions for further development of this collaboration. The event was held in the Andrzej Baborski Hall, located in the building of the Lower Silesian Centre for Scientific and Economic Information.
The opening ceremony was conducted by the Rector of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Prof. Andrzej Kaleta, and the Vice-Rector for Accreditation and International Cooperation, Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, who highlighted the strategic dimension of the collaboration between the WUEB and its partner universities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 2018 to 2022.
A total of 60 people participated in the Polish-Czech-Slovak Day, primarily employees who are currently involved in or planning to engage in cooperation with Czech and Slovak universities.

The meeting was attended by, among others:
- Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Wrocław, Maciej Kaczmarski
- Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Staff, Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet
- Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, Prof. Edmund Cibis
- Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering, Prof. Andrzej Okruszek
- Dean for Student Affairs, Prof. Anna Cierniak-Emerych, who also conducted sessions
- Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, Prof. Marek Kośny, who also conducted sessions
- Chancellor of the WUEB, Magdalena Janowicz
- Bursar, Jacek Sieniawski.
The Czech and Slovak sides were represented by employees from the following universities:
- Technická univerzita v Liberci,
- Slezská univerzita v Opavě,
- Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem,
- VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava,
- Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze,
- Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici,
- Univerzita Hradec Králové,
- Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave,
- Ambis.Vysoká škola v Praze a Brně,
- Mendelova univerzita v Brně,
- Masarykova univerzita.
The program included 10 presentations showcasing the topics, forms, and outcomes of the existing cooperation. The presentations and discussions during the event indicated the need for further collaboration in the academic, educational, and organizational spheres. Cooperation in each of these areas brings tangible results and is a source of satisfaction for participants in international projects.
In the summary of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Day, the Vice-Rector for Accreditation and International Cooperation, Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, announced that the event would continue in 2024.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all participants for their involvement in the Polish-Czech-Slovak Day!